
Posts Tagged ‘human migrations’

My Grandmother, Anna Pauline, in 1921

My Grandmother, Anna Pauline, in 1921

My son and his wife knew for a long time how interested I have been in sorting out our family heritage. Christmas 2007 they gave me a unique and thoughtful gift: a DNA test.

My present just sat on my desk for a couple of months until I finally got around to reading the directions, which turned out to be as simple as scraping the inside of my mouth. The company, FamilyTreeDNA provides the test tubes, scrapers, and pre-addressed mailing envelope.

Once I had sent off the samples, I went on with my life, forgetting about the test until I received a notice on my computer that my results were posted. With great anticipation, I went to the site, logged in with my kit number and password, and made an amazing discovery.

The formal definition of “haplogroup” is “a genetic population group associated with early human migrations and which can today be associated with a geographic region.” Simply put, the term refers to the group of people with whom our DNA markers are identified. My DNA results placed me in haplogroup U3.

What in the world is Haplogroup U3?

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